
We have the most amazing families and members and we wish we could keep them all forever.....
"It’s with real sadness that today was our last session - I can’t believe Evie has been with your classes since she was 2 – where has the time gone?! We’ve got so many happy memories of watching her and her confidence has undoubtedly grown through ballet and it has been the most wonderful experience in her early years."
"James and I want to thank you for all your time, hard work and patience, and say we have laughed, cried and smiled endlessly at various points over the past 3 years."
"My daughter, Lydia, was in seventh Heaven on Thursday… A brilliant well-structured safe environment to explore dance and have fun with her imagination too" – Natalie
"As Julia is now 5, next Saturday will be her last class – she will be upset to leave as she has fallen in love with ballet after coming to your classes. She has improved in posture and balance & I want to thank you for letting Julia attend your classes and it was the best experience for her" – Najwa
"Eliza has really loved the Tutu Club, so many thanks for all your hard work, Katie… If things change and you are able to do a class for older children, please let us know!"
"Amazing class this morning, thank you… it’s a great start to the weekend having the Tutu Club on a Saturday morning" – Becky

"Thank you so much for the last 6 months or so, we hope we will be lucky enough to find another ballet school with all the fun and enthusiasm of the the tutu club in our new location."
"Just wanted to say thanks so much for the ballet lessons, they are the absolute highlight of Molly’s week.
Really appreciate your hard work and patience…Evie absolutely loves it and talks about nothing else! I get so much pleasure (and quite a lot of giggles too!) from watching “Never seen anything quite so funny or cute as this morning’s class…trying out their serious faces for the tango – Great Fun!"– Wendy
"Both my mum and I have noticed how much Grace enjoys the lessons and really concentrates and participates well which is much to your credit as a teacher… just to say thanks for all the enjoyment you give her through your classes" – Rachel
"Class looked great from where we were today! You really inspire them! Some of the tasks you set our little ones appear so challenging and yet they deliver! Thank you for making such a difference. Noah counts his sleeps down to the next class! You must feel very proud."